Why you should consider renting / buying industrial properties in Killarney Gardens

Killarney Gardens is a rather unique industrial area in that it is surrounded and serviced by numerous residential areas like Table View, Blouberg, Parklands, West Beach and the Milnerton node to name a few.
What makes it so attractive for investors and tenants alike? Here is why we think it is a good deal:
1. It is ideally situated to service the new expanding area of Sunningdale which is serviced by the main business roads like Sandown together with the commercial and retail developments next to the West Coast Road.  
2. Their most successful project to date was the implementation of Killarney Gardens Security, which has brought crime in the industrial park down by a whopping 90%. 
3. With its dual access to Potsdam/Koeberg Road, close proximity to the N1 highway and placement on the MyCiTi bus route public transport route, the essential position of Killarney Gardens is what makes it an ideal location for many distribution centres to reach their many outlets throughout the region.
Please click on the links below, to view our latest industrial properties in Killarney Gardens:

23 Aug 2019
Author Sammy Doyle
27 of 259